Thomas L. Woods, Ph.D.,LCSW
Long Beach, CA 90803
Telephone: (562) 433-0954
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Curriculum Vitae

Thomas L. Woods, Ph.D./LCSW
3509 E. Broadway Long Beach, CA 90803
(562-) 433-0954



The future of the world is determined by the attitudes and actions of the people of this planet.  To this end some individuals and groups have been given gifts of communication.  They seem to be able to express the feelings, thoughts and desires of the most. Religions, philiosophies and political creations perform this functions for masses of people in different parts of the planet.  My personal goal is to articulate "win'win" philiosophies to currently intrackable sides of situations.  Creating a platform to convey this message and conveying that message is my goal for the remainder of my life. I wish to be known for the work I have done to further the progress of civilization and the distruction of anti-social elements and anti- social hate based attitudes.

My World Development Plan is the only comprehensive platform that has any realistic sounding vocabulary in it.  This is because it is based on logic and scientific geo-political realities.  Profit-sharing exists successfully in the modern capital corporate major international economic scene today. Governments often assimulate  proven successful private sector terminology, philosophy, physical structures and economic structures. Dr. Woods WDP (World Development Plan) suggests that nations make capitalistic-based profit sharing the basis of a new millenium of economic wealth for all nationas and individuals. Turn Foreign Aid in Foreign Investment.  The difference here is FEE for SERVICE.



B.A. Business Administration & Economics - California State University at Fullerton
M.A. Social Work-University of Chicago-School of Social Service Administration (SSA)
Ph.D. Counseling Psychology/Education - Northwestern University


One week Institute, "Management of Social Agencies", The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration Summer Institute


Seminar Trainer, Tom Woods Productions, PEC 2219 BBS approved CEU Provider-
"Supervision Training" 15 CEUs and "Marketing Your Practice or Facility"
7 CEUs class. Other classes in development. Custom CEU classes offered.

Adjunct University Professor- National University- Southern California, USA
1) SOC 604 - Culture and Socialization - In-depth examination of the concepts of culture and socialization.
2) MAT 641 - Cultural Democracy: Contemporary, Local & Global Issues - Examines the Ways in which Individuals in Institutional Roles Operationalize Culturally Democratic Policies and Practices. (4 classes)
3) CLD 611 - Psychology Applied to the Teaching of a Diverse Community of Students - An examination of Theories and Research of Educational Psychology. (3 Classes)
4) MAT 640- Applications of Research for the Art of Teaching - Designed to Provide Classroom Educators with Research Knowledge and Skills.
5) EXE 689 - Leadership in the 21st Century (On-line) - Examines the Nature and Process of Leadership for Management within the Context of the Highly Competitive Global Markets in the 21st Century. (5 classes)
6) EXE 689 Leadership in the 21st Century (On-line) - Global MBA Project - Independent Study
7) CLD 653 - Teaching the Young Child - Designed for Prospective Teachers of Young Children.
8) CLD 665 - Cognition, Language and Culture - Research, Theory and Practices related to the Learning and Development of the Bilingual Bicognitive Child.
9) CST 624 - Global Network Marketing and Advertising - In-depth analysis of Marketing and Advertising Components of E-Commerce.
(3 classes)

Professor-Teach Undergraduates- nationally via internet-
General Psychology - Corinthian College- On-line- 2000-Present

Professor (Extension)- Teach E-Commerce Business Principles - (CSUF) California
State University-Fullerton, California, USA - 2000-Present

Relief Staff Registry- Seminar Leader for Child Care Workers and Residential Care
Facility Administrators 2000-Present

University of California -Irvine (extension division) - "Child Psychotherapy" 1981

Oakton Community College- "Teacher-Aide Programming" 1975

Orange Coast College (Extension Division) - "Developing Your Own TV Show" 1986

Seminar Leader - Southeast Community Mental Health Center, City of Chicago Board of
Health. 1970

Workshop Leader - Family Service of South Lake County, Highland Park, Illinois. 1971

Seminar Leader - Department of Mental Health, Orange County, CA Newport Beach
Office. 1980


Woods, Thomas L., "Connect to Your Community With Cable" @ July 2001

Woods, Thomas L., "A Professional's Non-Professional Experience: Suggestions for
Supervisors" Mental Hygiene July 1971

Woods, Thomas L., National N.A.S.W. Representative Standards Accreditation
Manual for Psychiatric Facilities, 1972,

Woods, Thomas L., "Parents' Preparation Group" Comparative Group Studies
August 1972

Woods, Thomas L., The Psychodynamics and Treatment of the Disfigured Child" The
Conference Bulletin of the National Conference on Social Welfare Summer 1973

Woods, Thomas L., "Social Work Consultation and Student Training in Day Care
Centers" Child Welfare December 1973

Woods, Thomas L., "Healthy Minds Produce Healthy Profits"- Airport Business Journal

Woods, Thomas L., "The Successful Salesman's Personality Profile" The Barnstormer
March 1983


"Dr. Woods' Industrial Casebook" - The Barnstormer Newspaper

"Growing Up"- Glencoe Community Newspaper


"From Mega-Trends to Mega-Solutions": United Nations Association of America
(Orange County California) 1988

"The Family as a Consumer of Psychiatric Services" The Association for Consumer
Research (Boston, Mass) 1975

"The Psychodynamics and Treatment of the Disfigured Child" The National Conference
on Social Welfare (Atlantic City, New Jersey) 1973

"Motivation of Sales People" Monex International 1993

WORK HISTORY: Social Work and Clinical:

Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Private Practice- Evaluate, diagnosis & treat
emotionally disturbed children, families & adults. Chicago, Ill & Orange County, CA 1974-present

Program Director-Crossroads ADHC-8514 E. Artesia Blvd-Bellflower, CA-1999-present

Horizon Health Corp -West Anaheim Medical Center-
Senior Mental Health Unit-3033 Orange Ave. Anaheim, CA
LCSW Social Worker- Full time; Designated 5150 evaluations, psycho-socials, treatment planning, discharge planning, probable cause hearings and student Social Work supervision.- August 2002 - Oct 2002.

Social Work Services (Registry)- Seal Beach, CA 1999-2002-
1) LCSW Clinical Social Worker-Crossroads Adult Day Care
Psychosocial evaluations, intakes, treatment planning, individual therapy, group therapy, grant writing. Training of board and care facility managers/staff.
2) LCSW Medical Social Worker-Western Medial Center-Anaheim; Conducting psycho-social assessment of medical patents of all ages, making community referrals for medical patients, working with families of medical patients in grief and stress counseling, finding SNF for older medical patients, documenting assessments and clinical work, teaching new employee orientations monthly, consulting in ER as needed, assessing under-age mothers, filing sexual or elder abuse reports.

3) LCSW Psychiatric Social Worker-Pacific Hospital- Mental Health Unit: Conducted psycho- social evaluations of severely MI adults, 5150, homeless; treatment planning, conducting group therapy, individual case management, discharge planning, , clinical conferences, documentation.

Grant Writer - (1) Yale University 1966
(2) Cambodian Association of America 1988
(3) National University 2001
(4) Crossroads Foundation 2002

Marketing Consultant - Freelance- Orange County California- 1993- Present
Design marketing materials: business cards, billboards, brochures

Volunteer Political Consultant - Republican Party & other political groups- 1990-1992

Administrator & Proprietor-Jiminy Cricket Preschool-Wheeling, Illinois -
Licensed for 78 Children

Psychiatric Social Worker & Administrative Staff Coordinator-
University of Chicago-Department of Psychiatry 1969-1974
Coordinate administrative aspects of child psychiatry clinic, evaluate new cases, and assign to therapists. Arrange clinical conferences. Monitor records and daily clinical operations.

Field Instructor - University of Illinois-School of Social Work-1971-1973
Supervised two students yearly assigned to a therapeutic day care center.

Psychotherapist & Consultant - Chicago Board of Health, Mental Health Division,
Southeast Clinic.

Program Consultant - The Institute of Contemporary Education - Chicago, Ill 1974-1975

Vista Volunteer - The War on Poverty- New Haven, Conn.- 1963-1965

Psychiatric Social Worker (1992-1993) State of California

WORK HISTORY- Media and Public Relations Experience:

Executive Producer - Tom Woods TV Productions- Newport Beach, California
1997-1999. Created new advertising concepts for potential and existing television advertising clients. Then contract the determination and placement on particular channels of broadcast and cable locally and nationally on television. Analysis and feedback on success of the project in terms of meeting the objectives finally and market share cultural spread. 

Watch a variety of TV Talk Shows, created, hosted & produced by Dr. Thomas L. Woods at Perfect Video TV in Costa Mesa, CA 1995- 2004.  And still being produced.

To see these shows go to , Click on the Television (TV) ICON  Enlarge the Windows Media Player or Real Video (2X) and view it full screen. This is a 30 minute 100% streaming TV-quality video with full broadcast quality audio sound.

See web page Dr Tom Woods