Psychiatric Study Tour to the Philippines and Hong Kong/China - June 2005
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EXCITING NEWS...Dramantic Plans...Realistic Itinerary

We Learn in a fun environment!!!

I am developing an International  CEU tour/training to the Philippines and Hong Kong/China for June 2005.  LCSWs and MFTs will travel with me to athe only mental hospital in the Philoippines and then on to various mental health facilities in Hong Kong and other parts of China for 30 days. We will visit the School of Social Work at Hong Kong University and meet with Chinese Social Workers who teach there.

One will be Dr. Celcia Chan, who is an expert in Eastern Therapeutic Techniques. She will give a lecture to the group. Dr. Chan has developed innovative social Work program in Beijing and Shanghai, China.

Another, Dr. Irs Chi, Professor of Social Work will talk to our group about aging and services for the elederly in Hong Kong and China.

We will also visit their mental health facilities and learn about their culture. This will be a 10 day tour with different levels of training. Depending on how much time is spent in training the participants can earn up to 36 CEUs.

You learn about another culture, get CEUs, travel and perhaps start a new chapter in your career..International Social Work!!!

Let me know what you think.


Dr. Thomas L. Woods


Learn and Tour and Earn CEU's